For some the tactical situation is probably more fun than focusing on the decision-making process that affects and play a role in many important dynamics of the organization. How far one is willing to reach and where is a dynamic in and of itself one that surely is tied to a persons personality. Right now, with the leadership changes in many of the organizational settings here in the United States we are seeing volatile changes as a result of decision-making processes that are being made. One thing is when an alpha male likes to be heard then you can see what decisions are being made for the changes or positive shifts that we are taking place based off the shifts (outcomes) because of the decisions people make. Not always are these decisions, nor are the outcomes that are taking place visible, but either way it is a worthwhile endeavor to have insight of the possibilities of the different outcomes that will be resulting factors of actions people take because the implications can have very positive or negative results in latent areas that at least beforehand may not be readily visible.
Lately, I have encountered much friction in the views being placed upon me, and it may not come as a surprise that when someone has views towards others that are polarized and extreme. Almost always the individuals, leaders, or group attached to these polarized ideologies are synonymous with extreme behaviors that are acted out towards a target person. The outcomes of each deem revision of the dynamics at play since the polarized views and extreme behaviors are often synonymous as well, for example part of the dispositional factors (personality, mental health, human development) and the situational factors (social experience, external validation, status, inflated ego, groupthink). You can see the interchange dispositional and situational through the interactions at many intersections of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and so on. Dissecting and deciphering the interplay of the social sciences at the deeper level is too understand that things that think and move cannot be done through cause and effect, instead, leaving understanding to be done by way of correlation, and everyone knows that correlation does not imply causation. It really takes a lot of tools to make for deeper meaning and understanding the human organism. Which we see is tricky because our development experiences over a lifetime are not linear, they have overlapping conditions as part of a social emotional learning and human development process. If we are going to be ethical/humane one cannot understand people through a list of facts, or through categorical or black and white thinking (i.e., working out of one bucket, bias) which due to the correlation/ cause and effect and the personal disposition/ situational factors that one may be encounter with that when shortsighted, burned out greedy selfish or even apathetic may cause more harm than good in many areas in life that a person may otherwise unaware of.
Nonetheless, as important as it is to seek objective truth and reality of the human condition to prevent dehumanizing a person by maintaining human dignity may often come at the expense of personal ambition, working out of one bucket, greed or dispositional factors of the human condition that a list of fact can never explain, instead one must look at the whole life experience of the human being (individual differences) to accept others by understanding each a person that their life is a product of the social emotional learning process many overlapping experiences over a lifetime that are part of the human development process. Just like the interactions we have with one another is a social emotional learning experience that at the deeper level of making meaning (rather that reacting) is the deeper understanding that through learning and acceptance sculpts human/ neural development, which is connected to cumulative effects of stress over a lifetime of how one can ultimately look within (empathy vs. apathy) to be strong or not.
It is important to be on point where someone is at in their life experience (negative vs. positive) this is reciprocal. For example, before validating or rejecting someone by making correlation without ruling out many confounding variables or third factors by simplifying human existence to that of cause & effect thinking is inhumane. We rely on others for our development and the most important and last part of neural development requires the context of a social environment and is not completed till a person is 25 years of age.
I find for the internalization process (I have explained in previous blog posts) is the neural development needed for effective functioning, it requires a positive rational outcome of making meaning of one's own suffering (driving neuronal activity in the cognitive executive part of brain), and that moral reasoning is the dialogue from within (pathways between orbital frontal cortex and the limbic area) for a reinforcement style that is self-reinforcing at the neural level. This is necessary for working memory and the intellectual and emotional maturity to evolve in the development of an adult brain. To be on track is to stay attune and aligned to the solid core identity through the development that is a process that takes place over a lifetime. The proper synchronization of development of these brain regions and neural pathways in its higher form is not promised nor is it guaranteed, because if not maintained (logic reason, rationality over emotion, deeper meaning empathy) then synaptic pruning/cleansing will take place the brain does not know better the responsibility is in the human being of each person. For example, the physiological change related the maladaptive stress response; amygdala hijack, PTSD, emotional dysregulation. impulse control issues, addiction, extremely subjective, external validation, and being prone to adverse behaviors The crazy situational/dispositional interactions are pathological because of the inhumane practices that dehumanize others to be right (post-hoc rationalize) which are contributing factors to extreme behaviors and polarized ideologies these are all connected to mental health. Think less ness and meaningless (lack empathy) are part of the emotional realm of apathy of leaders that run amok in limbic friction aggravated, disgusted and annoyed from the maladaptive stress response- physiological changes in the brain from too much stress. Has everything to do with atrophied prefrontal cortex, frome a lack of moral reasoning contributing to the disinhibited pathway if not complete disconnect which is to experience no rationality, no reinforcement lowered restraint and increased arousal. This article is not to regard this I have other blog posts that explain the behavioral neurosciences. The facade to exploit and manipulate others to use others to get ahead, is a functional state of neural development from a cascade of development (stage not met somewhere along the line) so in a latter stage of stagnation/despair, rather generativity a self- transcendence of growing together and being something better mindset.
The point is when I am a target even tough living my best life and it is someone's transcendent mission to hate and being addicted to punking me it is not me that is the problem it is what is residing inside of someone else that is the problem. When pathology becomes prevalent- doing all the wrong things for the wrong reasons our country the neighboring nations and it is all becoming just one big conflict then it is necessary to bring awareness to preventing as less damage as possible.
This starts right here not by silencing people because you do not have the ability to open your own mind in a positive optimistic way. The inability is a lack of compromise from too much stress preventing this is important because when the human organism functions at its best there is no comparison. This is the alternative which is crucial to prevent generalizing conflict and negative emotions towards the mistreatment of others in unethical practices that spread fear and breed hate which is at the forefront of the extreme violence that is on the rise today.
Behavior is not a social issue, behaviors are symptoms of an underlying causal mechanism overlapping not linear experience’s that contribute to positive and /or negative mental health and human development over a lifetime which takes an open mind and a multi-dimensional approach to truly understand ourselves and others.
Human being’s do not have single issue problems, because we do not live single issue lives.